User Management

Static Password or Password Reset?

If a password is omitted from an entry in /etc/packagecloud/users.yml, it will attempt mail that user a password reset link instead (make sure Mailer/SMTP is properly configured).

Encrypting passwords

Passwords supplied in /etc/packagecloud/users.yml must be encrypted before being used. You can encrypt passwords using packagecloud-ctl encrypt-password.


packagecloud-ctl encrypt-password password123

Adding users

To add a user, add a row to /etc/packagecloud/users.yml with their email and name.


  email: '', 
  name: 'julio', 
  password: '$2a$10$yi7irjvgHS8FA0pYUP3Yfuz6XoQlP9wZiGWA2RBM0uzxgFq4r8/Z6'


- {email: '', name: 'julio', password: '$2a$10$yi7irjvgHS8FA0pYUP3Yfuz6XoQlP9wZiGWA2RBM0uzxgFq4r8/Z6'}

Run to apply the changes:

packagecloud-ctl load-users

Reseting/Changing passwords

You can reset a users password with the following command:


packagecloud-ctl reset-password newpassword123

Skipping users

To skip a user, add a row to /etc/packagecloud/users.yml with an email, name, and action set to delete.


  email: '', 
  name: 'skipper', 
  password: '$4a$2F$yi8irjvgHS8FA0pYUP3Yfuz6XoQlP9wZiGWA2RBM0uzxgFq2r4/F8',
  action: 'delete'


- {email: '', name: 'skipper', password: '$4a$2F$yi8irjvgHS8FA0pYUP3Yfuz6XoQlP9wZiGWA2RBM0uzxgFq2r4/F8', action: 'delete'}

Run to apply the changes:

packagecloud-ctl load-users

Adding users as collaborators on repositories

To add a new or existing user as a collaborator, add a collaborations attribute on the user entry in /etc/packagecloud/users.yml. NOTE: The repository receiving the collaborator must already exist and it must be specified as :user/:repo in the collaborations array.


  email: '', 
  name: 'armando', password: '$2a$10$...', 
  collaborations: [":user/:repo"]


- {email: '', name: 'armando', password: '$2a$10$...', collaborations: ["packagecloud/enterprise"]}

Run to apply the changes:

packagecloud-ctl load-users

Removing users

To remove a user, find their row in /etc/packagecloud/users.yml and add action: 'delete'.


  email: '', 
  name: 'julio', 
  password: '$2a$10$...', 
  action: 'delete'


- {email: '', name: 'julio', password: '$2a$10$...', action: 'delete'}

Run to apply the changes:

packagecloud-ctl load-user

Example Users.yml

# Users Seed File
# Populate the `users:`` key with users, specifying name, email
# and optionally, a password. If no password is specified an activation email is sent, otherwise
# the password specified is used.
# NOTE: The password must be encrypted using `sudo packagecloud-ctl encrypt-password <password>` first!
# Example:
# users:
#   - {email: '', name: 'person', password: '$alc2a29aas'}

   - {email: '', name: 'user', password: '$2a$10$a9NX...'}
   - {email: '', name: 'user2', password: '$2a$10$...', collaborations: ['user/test']}
   - {email: '', name: 'user3', password: '$2a$109...', collaborations: ['user/test']}

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