Release Notes

Release Notes

3.0.17 (released Mar 05 , 2025)

Code change to:

  • Not use relative paths for 'noarch' packages when they are indexed in RPM index of specific arches
  • Enable onprem to continue to support usage of filesystem (fs) as backend, which is useful for testing

Distro versions added:

  • Fedora 43
  • Linux Mint 22.1 Xia

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.16 (released Nov 22 , 2024)

Upadated librpm from to This increased the size of RPM header data supported from 16MB to 64MB.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.15 (released Oct 15, 2024)

Support for new versions of Ubuntu, Elementary OS, Fedora, Yocto, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, SUSE LEAP, Amazon. See ChangeLog for details.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.14 (released Jun 01, 2024)

Tweak registry installation scripts to handle pygpgme for various amazonlinux

Don't set repo_gpgcheck to 0 if pygpgme is required but fails to install

Re-worded pygpgme messages to make it easier to understand for the user

3.0.13 (released May 06, 2024)

Tweak registry installation scripts to handle pygpgme for various redhat/ubi

Change WARNING to NOTICE when pygpgme is not installed, as it does not affect functionality, but is an indication that pygpgme may not be required for the user's OS

3.0.12 (released Apr 29, 2024)

Support for Raspbian 32-bit (Raspbian OS) & 64-bit (Debian).

Tweak registry installation scripts to handle pygpgme for various RPM-based distro versions.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.11 (released Mar 4, 2024)

Startup time enhancements.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.10 (released Feb 27, 2024)

New distributions added.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.9 (released May 15, 2023)

New distributions added.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.8 (released Mar 15, 2023)

New distributions added.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.7 (released Oct 06, 2022)

Fix for negative rpm package size due to overflow.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.6 (released Oct 06, 2022)

New distributions added.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.5 (released April 11, 2022)

New distributions added. More security packagecloud repo install/configuration script for Debian-based Linux.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.4 (released August 26, 2021)

New distributions added.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.3 (released February 7, 2021)

Bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.2 (released March 24, 2020)

Bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.1 (released February 3, 2020)

Bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

2.0.9 (released January 30, 2020)

Bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

3.0.0 (released January 27, 2020)

Bug fixes, performance improvements, and major upgrades.

Customers are strongly encouraged to begin by first enabling CloudFront support on their 2.0.8 installation BEFORE upgrading to 3.0.0.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

2.0.8 (released April 19, 2019)

Bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

2.0.7 (released April 12, 2019)

Bug fixes and /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/501972993 for package downloads.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

2.0.6 (released March 28, 2019)

Bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

2.0.5 (released March 1, 2019)

Several new features and bug fixes.

This release performs some long-running migrations during install, please read /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/465141825 before upgrading.

2.0.4 (released December 13, 2018)

Several new features and bug fixes.

2.0.3 (released September 6, 2018)

Several new features and bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

2.0.2 (released May 20, 2018)

MySQL no longer listens on by default. If connecting to this was part of your workflow, you can now use to connect:

/opt/packagecloud/embedded/mysqlclient/bin/mysql -S /var/opt/packagecloud/lib/mysql/mysql.socket

Several new features and bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

2.0.1 (released March 22, 2018)

Several new features and bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

2.0.0 (released February 26, 2018)

Several new features and bug fixes.

Several important notes:

  • You must upgrade to 2.0.0 from 1.0.55 – you must upgrade through each version, in order. You cannot skip versions and upgrade directly to 2.0.0 from any version other than 1.0.55.
  • This will be the last release for Ubuntu Precise (12.04). We strongly recommend any of our users still on 12.04 upgrade to 16.04 as soon as possible.
  • If you are using RubyGems continue reading for important upgrade instructions.

If you are not using RubyGems with packagecloud:enterprise, you should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

If you are using RubyGems with packagecloud:enterprise, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 only from /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.
  2. Run the command `packagecloud-ctl check-rubygem-uniquness
  3. If you see the message: "No Rubygem issues detected!" proceed with steps 3 and 4 of /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.
  4. If you see the message: "Rubygem uniqueness issues detected... please contact enterprise@packagecloud.io and provide the output below", please contact us at enterprise@packagecloud.io before proceeding.

1.0.55 (released September 17, 2017)

Several new features and bug fixes.

You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

All customers should run `packagecloud-ctl fix-token-names` after  `packagecloud-ctl reconfigure` in the upgrade procedure in order to fix any Master or Read token names that contain a slash (these are no longer allowed and will be replaced with a dash).

1.0.54 (released July 24, 2017)

Several new features and bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.53 (released June 7, 2017)

Several new features and bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.52 (released May 12, 2017)

Several new features and bug fixes.

You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

Customers who have used package promotion between private repositories are encouraged to run: `packagecloud-ctl fix-promoted-packages` after  `packagecloud-ctl reconfigure` in the upgrade procedure.

1.0.50 (released May 4, 2017)

Security fixes, no new features.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.49 (released April 19, 2017)

Security fixes, no new features.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.48 (released March 28, 2017)

Several new features and bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.47 (released January 31st, 2017)

Several new features and bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.46 (released December 2, 2016)

Several new features and bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.45 (released November 22, 2016)

Several new features and bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.44 (released November 14, 2016)

Several new features and bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.43 (released November 4, 2016)

Several new features and bug fixes.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

Note that Acquire-by-hash metadata will be generated on the next reindex of the repository. Users who want to take advantage of this feature will need to either upload a package to their repository or trigger a reindex using packagecloud-ctl.

1.0.42 (released October 17, 2016)

Minor feature tweak.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.41 (released October 5, 2016)

Bug fix.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.40 (released September 22, 2016)

OpenSSL security release.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.39 (released August 10, 2016)

Bug fix and a new feature.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal/wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.38 (released August 3, 2016)

Several bug fixes and new features.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.37 (released May 10, 2016)

Numerous performance enhancements, bug fixes, and new features.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.


Update for OpenSSL version 1.0.1t.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.


Added the ability to specify repository collaborations in users.yml.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.


Fix for a very rare display bug and the reindex deb task.

No special tasks required for upgrade. You should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

1.0.33 (released: April 23, 2016)

If you are installing packagecloud:enterprise for the first time, you do not need to perform any of the procedures listed below.


If you are upgrading to packagecloud:enterprise 1.0.33, you should follow the normal /wiki/spaces/ENTERPRISE/pages/15269926.

Once that has been completed, there are two tasks you should run:

  1. sudo packagecloud-ctl update-rubygems-checksums -- This rake task will download each RubyGem file from your S3 bucket and re-process it to store additional checksums in the database. We've expanded the number of checksums we track and are now tracking SHA256 and SHA512. The length of time this process will take depends on your S3 connection speed and the number of RubyGems you have. Our production instance completed this operation for approximately 5000 RubyGems in about 10 minutes.

  2. sudo packagecloud-ctl clear-xz-files -- This rake task will remove all APT XZ compressed metadata files for each repository. We've decided to make this change as a result of a serious bug in APT which causes APT to fail to correctly decompresse XZ-compressed metadata resulting in confusing errors for users. You can read more about this bug on our blog. This process will iterate through each repository on the system with XZ-compressed metadata first reindexing it, then deleting the left over XZ files from S3 and their records in the database. The time this operation takes depends on the number of packages in the repository and the number of repositories on the system.